An important direction of IASA for the past decade has been the Emergent Life Sciences. Specifically, our networks of forensic physicians and clinical specialists in Genomics, Immunology, Neurology, and Neuroimaging have served clinical translational medicine research sponsors.

  • Our Goal: The forensic diagnosis of enigmatic illness, treatment, protection and improved patient well-being using the latest Neuroscience and Genomics

Institute medical scientists have mapped emergent evidence of correlations between energy science and the life sciences in discovery of new injury diagnostics, after patients have been exposed to unusual near-field anomalous effects believed related to advanced or experimental propulsion, or unknown devices under test and evaluation.

  • Current client interests include:
    • Human Effects from Mixed Beam RF mm-wave, Terahertz, and Gamma radiation;
    • Interactions of novel energy and propulsion systems causing both Epigenetic injury and Central Nervous System pathology;
    • Studies of Brain Biomarkers and related heritable DNA related to high performance cognition, learning, and intuition when under stress